Devious Doughnut: The Musical - The Sqeekwell

Hi so last story i died, then i wen to play DeviousDoughnut - The Video Game. i was saddened by my firend. I bought it from a garaaagaagagae sale off of a old guy and as soon as i bought, he was black and gone.
i was pretty sp00ked.
ok so any way, i drove home in my 1968 hunmer and it was LEAKING GAS EVERYWHERE.
sum 1 threw a match at me and my house amd me exspooooo00d. 
i was sad. 
i gout wentinside and sum ting was amid.
am my lightbrite wouldnt turn on, nd my life alert wouldnrt contananact anyone.
my 1998 nastalgia was going static with carels.
i comepletely disregareded this and pulled my tv plug and put it pack.
"fulll house theme"
i streded up the gaem. nd, something was a miss again. 2 strikes.
da n64 thing wouldnt come up and carels face came up and was like and said "N69"....
i payed the gaem andnd for 10 dsec the cocury sworrd colected.
theh golcared cord was not a swird was carels ram. 
i was thought. aboot my noooooostaglia adventure.
tis gaem from myd ays of youth was traking a turn for the bad.
i curitcly contacted the UniversalSDtdio of this game.
someone breathy 
i cumming 4 u if you dobnt post this to 5 faebook froms.
i was sp00000k again.
i streddded to play and the gaem played the song of hearling.
btw Jeff the killer was there in his house party,
and then say i quakcly got to the npc. 
he said
you care deied.
oh no i am died and thin i died i recolled bnihgger and sow a screeen and it was familar i was donger.
thank you patrick for adding the donger.
i reconized the screen form somewhere but could not put my thonger on it and i thought for wash thought was hor but was day
oh no i had not vcome to work.
i was fried from my job nd i had no food no cook, no cookies, no brownin, no no.
just the skin and the cloths
then jesfft the killer came in and then the tekle came in and then brought the frombanbrom.
if jeff the killer was spook adn i was nit was i immue system.
pot pots posts pots pots pot pot pot pot pots posts pots pots pot pot pot pot pots posts pots pots pot pot pot po i fucking swaer
and tyhen 
this crab is bery mean.
i killed the crab, dont worry.
ok soaw um um
i went back t the home bauct the gas blue up the car and house but the leek as in the vejstable.
i wanr ham, and pots pots
and a spooky character was on my telefish and my 
can i put at the top
dont even write that pat i mean, this needs to be real
we got to get youtuberes to read this.
Like sog.
and then the spooky image can aout at me and asked for soup and i was like no.
i played and chose chun li with theb hipe say that.
yah just say i cho chun li.
and the n say i was fighting areound a fight.
carels was there and shookwed me with the shook.
then jeff screamer #noscoppe 
then slenderman was there and cameout of the screen adn dd not nothing.
i wen tot me bed.
and carled
he shot me
and i was going insane
i waok up in he mental unsilym ded.
that ups good.
t pots posts pots pots pot pot pot pot pots posts pots pots pot pot pot po
oh hi rowin we are writing a creppypasta.